Geocode Earth would not be possible without the many open data sources we use to provide our service.
These data sources each have their own licenses which place obligations upon us and upon you as a user of our services.
We require that you provide attribution to Geocode Earth in your application. This attribution should appear in a location that will be seen by end users under normal usage of your application.
This can be combined with attribution for other data sources. Here's some HTML to get you started:
© <a href="">Geocode Earth</a>, <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, and <a href="">others</a>.
The OpenStreetMap project requires attribution whenever data from OSM may be displayed to an end user. By default, Geocode Earth will return data from OSM and so this attribution is required. The example attribution HTML above includes suitable attribution.
In general, geocoding results that include OpenStreetMap data do not trigger the share-alike provision of the Open Database License (ODbL), because they are considered "insubstantial database extracts".
This means that even if you combine those results with your own data and choose to release it publicly, you do not have to license that data under the ODbL.
However, if you use an OSM-based geocoder to systematically and methodically extract data from OpenStreetMap (for example, by reverse geocoding every square meter of an entire city or country), then you must use the ODbL for any publicly released data.
See our data sources page for the full list of data sources used by Geocode Earth.
Last updated May 13th, 2020